We are looking for a few special people who can help this Festival Retreat flourish by offering their skills and time, either fully out of the generosity of their hearts, or in return for a reduced-price work-exchange ticket. Please note that if you take on one of these roles, there is a chance that at times your ability to participate in activities may be affected.
Ideally, we'd like to offer these work-exchange roles to people who need financial aid in order to attend. They will receive a reduced-price Double-Bring-Your-Owns ticket or Nomadland ticket at £350 (£200 reduction).
However, if you don’t need financial aid, and still feel called to assist us, please apply anyway; we want to be sure to find the right individuals for the roles, and if you don't need the aid, then we can offer your reduced price ticket as a bursary to another soul. Thank-you!
Responsibilities: You will be responsible for capturing and documenting this celebration of our community. You will be largely independent, choosing what to photograph and when. You will not always be “on”, but sometimes you will want to step out of a session to capture it.
Site-manager Right Hand Person
Responsibilities: You will be helping our site-manager keep things rolling smoothly. This may include time management, leading volunteers, keeping on top of scheduling and more. This role is a good fit for someone with organisational, time management, and people skills. You may find yourself arriving a bit late or leaving a bit early from sessions as you help herd people to and fro.
Well-being Support x 2
Responsibilities: We are looking for two people who can provide mental health and well-being support should anyone need a shoulder to lean on. Preferably, you have some training in mental health and/or experience working with vulnerable people. Hopefully you won’t be needed much, but should an issue arise, you may have to step out of your session to provide support.
​We need a mini community of volunteers who help the day-to-day running of the Festival Retreat! These will be small roles that fit in around the scheduled activities and should not impact your ability to attend sessions.
Small-Group Support Leaders
Responsibilities: Every evening before the night’s celebration, we will have a 15 minute slot for small groups of 3-4 people to gather and check-in with each other. Would you like to take on the facilitators’ role in these small groups? You will facilitate a safe space for people to share about what’s on their mind. All support leaders will meet on Wednesday night for a brief training on how to guide check-ins.
Welcoming Crew
Responsibilities: You will be there when participants arrive, to help check them in, show people to their rooms, give tours of the spaces, explain the schedule, and generally be that welcoming presence that sets the whole tone of the Festival Retreat.
Flow Crew
Responsibilities: You will be part of a team of improvising elves who help people get from A to B in between sessions. You will answer questions about the daily schedule, direct people when they’re lost, ring the bells and bong the gongs so that sessions start on time, and generally be there to grease the works.
Maintenance Crew
Responsibilities: You will ensure that our lovely venue is respected and cared for. You will help put up signs and dress the spaces for the evening celebrations. You might collect discarded mugs, or bring items to the lost and found. You might give the Garden Room floor a sweep or gather scattered yoga mats.
Departure Crew
Responsibilities: You will help wrap up the Festival Retreat by providing support to participants as they leave and helping with a general take down and tidy up.
To take on any of these volunteer roles, please indicate your interest in the ticket registration form. Thank you!